Lyra 1.0.3 – Source Code

  • Version 1.0.3
  • Download 1351
  • File Size 13.66 MB
  • Create Date 22 July 2020
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  • Quick change to make it bypass file locks that exist when a newly created file is put into place. When going by group will instead use the album name exclusively.
  • Update that will enable the user to update based on the album name exclusively. This permits entire compilations to be updated in one hit. However if there are multiple albums of the same name, every album will be overwritten.
  • Change in code that reduces update events for both players. When the player frames are hidden they will not perform updates to the user interface. Instead they will update when visibility is recovered.
  • Added additional confirmation that the player has completely initialized before saving state.
  • Update that will remove option of automatically killing a host that is no longer responding. When the user opted to create a new host it would remove the existing host (in cases of a single host configuration) and that could lead to loss of information regardless of the host still being valid at another site.
  • Various bug fixes, changes in comments and update to the Xerial JDBC 3.7.2 driver.
  • Upon searching Google I came across: Seems that its well known and as a workaround. As a result, I have changed the code to permit proper use of the $ and / in these elements without causing issue. Hence the logger will not break code as it did.
  • Discovered a bug with the logging system when dealing with odd characters during Database sync. Put in a workaround that will log to console only and allow the process to continue. None of the other database sync functions are affected by this in the slightest.
  • Update version information for JavaDoc.
  • Update of the installer configuration file for new version.
  • Update of database files and associated dumps for new version.
  • Update of documentation to indicate UI changes and new options.
  • Updated image to reflect changes in UI.
  • Update to the code making it easier to work with virtual displays. Seems that virtual displays do not necessarily run like other displays and Java has no inherent support for them. So these code changes make the interface events for minimising/bringing back the Player/Organiser view is more consistent across all display states.
